Sunday, September 15, 2013

Enrolling for a Certificate Manually

Enrolling for a Certificate Manually
If your CA doesn't support or use SCEP, you'll need to obtain certificates for your router using manual enrollment. Manual enrollment can be accomplished using TFTP or cut-and-paste if you're running IOS 12.2(13)T or later.
Cisco doesn't recommend using SCEP to obtain one certificate and TFTP or cut-and-paste to obtain the other certificate when retrieving the CA and identity certificates; this might create problems when trying to retrieve the second certificate from the CA.

Configuring Manual Enrollment Using TFTP
Configuring manual enrollment using TFTP is very similar to configuring certificate enrollment using SCEP: you'll need to go through the same eight steps discussed in the "Enrolling for a Certificate using SCEP" section. However, there are obviously a few differences. Steps 13 are the same: verify NVRAM usage, configure the router's host and domain names, and generate the RSA keys.
Step 4, defining a CA, is slightly different. First, make sure the router can reach a TFTP server and has write access to the TFTP server's directory structure. Next, configure the trustpoint with the crypto ca trustpoint command. This command was discussed previously in the "Step 4: Define a CA" section. The main difference is the enrollment url command, which needs to specify a URL with a TFTP file type and the location of the TFTP server:
Router(config)# crypto ca trustpoint CA_name
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url

For example, you might enter something like enrollment url tftp://caserver/directory/cacert. In most cases, the TFTP server will be the same device that's the CA if you're setting up your own CA. Otherwise, you'll use a local TFTP server. The file specified is the CA's certificate and must be in a base-64 encoding scheme. Also, the router will append ".ca" as an extension to the file name; so in this example, the file on the tftp server is "" If you omit a file name, the name will default to the router's FQDN plus the ".ca" extension, like "" The other trustpoint commands discussed previously in the "Step 4: Define a CA" section also can be configured as necessary.
Next, perform Step 5 as discussed previously in the "Step 5: Download and Authenticate the CA's Certificate" section by executing the crypto ca authenticate command to download and authenticate the CA's certificate (from the TFTP server). You'll need to verify the CA's signature and accept it if valid.
Following this, request the router's certificate by executing the crypto ca enroll command, discussed previously in the "Step 6: Request the Router's Identity Certificate" section. In this case, the command creates the router's PKCS #10 information and sends it to the TFTP server, whichExample 16-15 illustrates. The name of the file on the TFTP server will be the file name listed in the enrollment url command followed by ".req" as an extension, as you can see from Example 16-15. Give this file to the CA administrator, which then will be used by the CA to create an identity certificate for your router.
Example 16-15. Sending the Router's PKCS #10 Information to the TFTP Server
r3640(config)# crypto ca enroll caserver
% Start certificate enrollment ..
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be:
% The subject name in the certificate will be:
% Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no
% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Send Certificate Request to file system? [yes/no]: yes
% Certificate request sent to file system
% The certificate request fingerprint will be displayed.
% The 'show crypto pki certificate' command will also show the
!Writing file to tftp://!
09:20:42: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: E5CC32D1
AB29F816 94BC76A8 ADC525EE
09:20:42: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: A5006A64
5E0BA531 97878ED0 A84AA3A8 8F6B9C82

Once the CA administrator has generated an identity certificate for your router, it needs to be saved with a ".crt" extension and with the same filename specified in the enrollment url command. This file must be stored in a base-64 encoding scheme (PKCS #10) as the CA certificate was previously, and placed in the same directory on the TFTP server as the CA's certificate. Then you can import the identity certificate with the crypto ca import command:
Router(config)# crypto ca import CA_name certificate

You must specify the name of the CA configured as a trustpoint with the crypto ca trustpoint command. Example 16-16 illustrates the use of this command. As you can see in this example, the router's identity certificate is named "cacert.crt" on the TFTP server.
Example 16-16. Importing the Router's Identity Certificate via TFTP
r3640(config)# crypto ca import caserver certificate
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be:
Retrieve Certificate from file system? [yes/no]: yes
% Request to retrieve Certificate queued
Reading file from tftp://
Loading cacert.crt from (via Ethernet0/0): !
[OK - 1118 bytes]
09:31:07: %PKI-6-CERTRET: Certificate received from Certificate

Because of naming complications on multiple routers, I recommend that you have a separate certificate directory on the TFTP server for each router. This reduces the likelihood of another router pulling in your certificate, since there is no authentication or access control with TFTP. Plus, the same file name is used for the CA and identity certificate, like "caserver"; what's unique is the extension: ".ca" for the CA certificate and ".crt" for the identity certificate.

Finally, save your router's certificate information with the copy running-config startup-config command, view the trustpoint with the show crypto ca trustpoint command, and view your router's certificate information with the show crypto ca certificates command (steps 7 and 8).
Configuring Manual Enrollment Using Cut-and-Paste
If using SCEP and a TFTP server is not an option, you can use the old-fashioned copy-and-paste process with manual enrollment. Steps 13 are the same as the other two processes for obtaining a certificate. Step 4, defining a CA, is slightly different than the other two, however. As with the other two, configure the trustpoint with the crypto ca trustpoint command. This command was discussed previously in the "Step 4: Define a CA" section. The main difference is the enrollment terminal command, which specifies that cut-and-paste will be used to obtain the CA's certificate.
Router(config)# crypto ca trustpoint CA_name
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal

The other trustpoint commands discussed previously in the "Step 4: Define a CA" section can also be configured as necessary.
Once you have defined the CA, in Step 5 you'll execute the crypto ca authenticate command to obtain the CA's certificate. In the other two processes, this was achieved using SCEP or TFTP. With cut-and-paste, you'll need to open the file the CA administrator gave you containing the CA's certificate, copy the contents including the beginning and ending lines starting with the dashes ("-----"), and paste it into the router's configuration when prompted. Example 16-17 illustrates this process. Once you have pasted the CA certificate into the router, type in quit on a blank line to terminate the cut-and-paste process and to have the router import the CA's certificate.
Example 16-17. Importing the CA's Certificate with Cut-and-Paste
r3640(config)# crypto ca authenticate caserver
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
output omitted
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: CE9956AA C02D15DF A2309A9C E059BD47
Fingerprint SHA1: 475A5DBA 0283DB43 305E9CF7 A208C8B8 E894C379
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported

Next, you need to create your PKCS #10 information for your router's identity certificate with the crypto ca enroll command, as shown in Example 16-18. The execution of this command is similar to the other two processes; however, you have the option of displaying the PKCS #10 information to the router's terminal screen, which you want to answer yes. At the line that states Certificate Request follows, select the information here, copy it, store it in a file, and send it to the administrator of the CA, who will use it to create an identity certificate for your router.
Example 16-18. Creating the Router's PKCS #10 Information for the Cut-and-Paste Process
r3640(config)# crypto ca enroll caserver
% Start certificate enrollment ..
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be:
% The subject name in the certificate will be:
% Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no
% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Display Certificate Request to terminal? [yes/no]: yes
Certificate Request follows:
---End - This line not part of the certificate request---
Redisplay enrollment request? [yes/no]: no

Once the administrator has created a certificate for your router and sent this to you, you can then import the certificate into your router using the crypto ca import command discussed in the last section, which is shown in Example 16-19. After pasting in the certificate, on a blank line type in quit, signifying that this is the end of the cut-and-paste process. The router will validate the certificate and import it. And as with the other two certificate enrollment processes, be sure to save your router's certificate and configuration information to NVRAM and view your certificate information to validate it.
Example 16-19. Importing the Router's Identity Certificate Using Cut-and-Paste

r3640(config)# crypto ca import caserver certificate
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be:
Enter the base 64 encoded certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
output omitted
% Router Certificate successfully imported

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